Bow tie

In the mid-18th century, the shirt bow evolved from a simple strip of material, often made of lace and known as a jabot, which was tied into any kind of bow. When the fabrics were cut to pattern, the bow acquired a definitive shape that became synonymous with more formal attire.
Bows became extremely popular for use with shirts and blazers – an alternative to waistcoats that required ties. Although their popularity began to wane, the bow has survived all contemporary fashion trends to this day.
If you’re unsure how to wear a shirt bow in your professional uniform, here are some suggestions:
• Current trends favor fun yet elegant patterns.
• Wear the bow with a classic long-sleeve shirt rather than a polo.
• Wider bows are designed for tuxedos, and materials like satin and velvet are suitable.
• Incorporate bows into casual daytime looks with vests and blazers.
• For a more understated yet distinguished uniform, opt for a black bow.

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