Events and actions

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At HISI, UNIFARDAS® online store, we are aware of the negative ecological footprint that the textile industry leaves in the world.

One of the measures we adopted to minimize this impact was the adoption of recycled and recyclable cardboard packaging to make your order reach you. We know very well that this practice is not enough to neutralize our footprint, but combining it with other actions that are already fundamental for us is, without a doubt, another step on the right path.

Beach cleaning - Ciimar

The annual cleaning of the beaches, after the summer season, is already a tradition for our company, bringing together employees and families in this noble and necessary action.

This beach cleanup is part of World Cleanup Day - an international initiative that brings together volunteers, governments and organizations from more than 190 countries. The event in Portugal is promoted and organized by Ciimar , Center for Marine and Environmental Research at the University of Porto; Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center (CMIA) and The Great Bubble Barrier within the scope of the European MAELSTROM project, with these entities counting on the support of LIPOR and UNIFARDAS®.

“We are responsible for the problems in the oceans and we need to provide solutions”

This statement was made by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, during the UN Ocean Conference (UNOC), in Portugal, 2022.

Reusable bottles

At UNIFARDAS®, we have strived to implement measures that focus the company's operations on a policy of environmental responsibility and sustainability.

The first measure we took, in 2019, was simple - a drinking fountain and reusable bottles for all employees - and served as a launch for our internal mission to continually reduce the use of single-use plastics in the company's activities .

Since then, the principle of sustainable development has been integrated into our day-to-day activities.

Waste separation

We consider this practice – waste separation – to be the elementary and first step towards entering the world of sustainability and, at UNIFARDAS®, this action has been practiced for many years.

We separate paper, plastic, glass and organic materials in all of our facilities. We also separate wooden pallets used to support loads and textile waste, namely white fabric and colored fabric. This separation of the fabric from color means that, in the case of reusing the fabric, it does not have to be dyed again since this consumes considerable water and energy resources, releasing pollutants during the process.

We work with a certified company to collect all this waste, previously separated by us, which guarantees the start of the process so that this “garbage” from the past can recover value and return to the market.