Find out which clothes are suitable for working in your area of business

High-quality suitable clothes for work by Unifardas, designed for comfort, durability, and a professional appearance in various industries

The right clothes for work: Learn how to get them

Professionals who wear work clothes in the workplace know how important their professional attire is for maintaining a good presentation, as well as for keeping themselves safe. A clean, undamaged uniform conveys a much more positive impression of the employees themselves, as well as the brand or company they represent on the market. Dirt, rips or inappropriate sizes can make work clothes look undesirable, influencing people’s perception of your company. It is therefore essential to make the most assertive choice possible of the right clothes for your employees to wear to work, as well as adopting the correct care to increase the durability of this type of clothing.

Extend the life of your Workwear

Providing suitable work clothes and PPEfor your staff can be a significant investment. Therefore, the best way to do this is to choose clothing that is as suitable as possible for your company’s needs and to carefully maintain the clothing in good condition so that it retains its properties of protection, comfort, appearance and performance. When choosing the right work clothes and quality equipment, it’s important to follow the supplier’s instructions and store work uniforms correctly in order to significantly increase their lifespan.

This will not only save you money on the purchase of workwear, it will also contribute to greater environmental sustainability.

Nurse and Nurse dressed in white pants and a blue tunic with a white contrast to be used as a work uniform manufactured by Unifardas

Choose the fabric best suited to your area of activity

The choice of fabric for your professional clothing is a fundamental aspect. There are areas of activity where the fabric that makes up a particular garment is fundamental to the wearer’s safety and comfort. For example, in the metalworking industry, a polyester work uniform is not at all suitable, as it is a much more abrasive fabric than cotton, preventing body heat and moisture from dissipating. Another aspect to take into account when choosing the right fabric is the environment and the season. In warmer seasons we should use cooler, lighter fabrics and in colder environments a more robust fabric that retains body heat.

Choose a reliable brand of workwear

More than ever, a good supplier is just as important as a good client. It’s essential to find a professional clothing brand that fully understands your needs and is able to give you the best solution. Quality, knowledge, timely responses, technical advice, credibility and availability are all points that a good partnership must respect. Unifardas is therefore guided by these values in order to be a solution to the customer’s “pain”. For us, the focus is on the customer.

Image of a work uniform development project carried out by Unifardas

Personalization and customization of your work uniform

Personalizing professional clothing has great advantages for a company and a business. In addition to reinforcing the corporate image, the notoriety and credibility conveyed are greater, thereby winning over more customers and increasing sales. Nowadays, every detail is very important, which is why Unifardas has become a specialist in customizing professional clothing. One of our focuses is the development of personalized and differentiated projects for each client according to their needs.

Another very important point is the customization of clothing suitable for work, i.e. producing a work uniform taking into account various unique aspects of your business such as:

  • in what context the workwear will be used
  • is there a need for a special protective finish?
  • will it be worn outdoors or indoors?
  • is the workwear subjectto a lot of wear and tear?
  • does the fabric have to comply with any specific properties?
  • in which area of activity will the clothing be used?

These are some of the points that we have to discuss and take into account so that we can develop the most suitable solution for each client’s needs. That’s what customization is all about, producing workwear taking into account all the aspects in which the garment will be used; in a way, it’s about producing the right garment for that particular user, taking into account all the factors already mentioned.

Points to bear in mind when choosing the right work clothes for your company

In conclusion, we leave you with the main points to take into account when choosing the right clothes for your company or organization’s employees:

  • Choose a reliable supplier who can provide you with the most suitable solutions
  • Pay attention to the main technical specificities of your business so that you can choose the most suitable clothing for your company’s employees.
  • The choice of fabric is very important, so ask your workwear supplier for advice on which fabric is best for producing your garments.
  • The most suitable clothing sizes for each wearer is fundamental. As well as providing greater comfort, more effective security gives the wearer greater motivation, as they feel valued for the good wearability that the right clothes for work provide.
  • Personalization is a key point in creating a strong corporate identity. It is therefore important to turn to a supplier who is able to take care of your company’s image through workwear.

The importance of suitable work clothes cannot be underestimated. As well as ensuring workers’ safety and comfort, appropriate clothing also plays a crucial role in promoting a professional image and the efficiency of industrial and business operations in general. By recognizing the relevance of choosing the right work clothes for each role and environment, companies can not only improve the well-being of their employees, but also optimize productivity and achieve higher standards of excellence. Investing in the right workwear is therefore an investment not only in safety and comfort, but also in the company’s success and reputation.

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