Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us

Unifardas-Confecção SA respects the legal standards regarding the protection of personal data of its workers, candidates for the existing Recruitment process, customers and suppliers especially those that come from national and community legal provisions and deliberations of the National Data Protection Commission, namely, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
To all natural persons who have a relationship with Unifardas-Confecção SA, regardless of their relationship, the regime provided for in the GDPR applies in terms of data protection in order to guarantee their protection and the free movement of this data.

Consent of the data subject

By accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy you are giving consent to the use of your data. The GDPR provides for the existence of consent, as a free, specific, informed and explicit expression of will.
If you do not agree with the terms of our Privacy Policy, you are requested not to provide us with personal information.

Workers' personal data

The processing of the employee's personal data, within the scope of the employment relationship, takes place on the one hand, either from the contractual content, or on the other hand, compliance with legal obligations, before the Tax Authority, Social Security, the authority for working conditions and other entities officers.
The processing of workers' personal data is reserved only to the Data Controller, designated at each time and with limited access duly justified under the terms of the law, and in any case with safeguarding confidentiality. At any time, the worker may, at his request, access his protected data and request its modification or correction.

Personal data of job applicants

The company Unifardas-Confecção, SA, guarantees the safeguarding of the right to protection of job candidates' data, which is provided voluntarily and authorized by the data subject, which will be treated confidentially, in accordance with current law. To this end, the candidate will be asked to express their opinion regarding the authorization of their personal data to enter their personal data into the database for the appropriate purposes. The candidate must sign or sign the “Informed Consent – ​​spontaneous application or application for a job offer”.

Customers' personal data

The entity collects, uses and saves personal data provided by Customers, under the terms permitted by applicable legislation, in particular, by the GDPR, in a manner appropriate to the execution of the contractual relationship with them, upon their consent.

The Customer, within the scope of the contractual, commercial relationship and also in the legitimate interest and pursuit of the activity of the person responsible for the processing, authorizes the introduction of their personal data into the company's database for the respective processing, allowing them to be used, for the sending technical sheets, technical information, commercial information, product declarations for marketing actions, receiving information and publicizing events and new products.

The Customer must notify the company Unifardas – Confecção,SA immediately if there are changes to personal data that affect the contractual relationship between the parties. 

Personal data may be stored and used by the entity, even after the end of the process or contract, under legal terms and until billing and/or legal obligations arising from the commercial and/or contractual relationship are completed.

Use of the website

If you use our Website in a non-registered manner and contact us through contact forms, the data requested in these forms may be stored and only used for this purpose. You can also request its deletion and continue to use our Website normally.

  1. When we collect this information
    We collect information when the user registers on our website, signs up for the newsletter or responds to forms

  2. How we use your information
    We may use your information when you subscribe to the newsletter, respond to a survey, browse the website or use certain features:

  • Personalize your experience and enable us to deliver the types of personalized content in which you will be most interested ;

  • Improve the website to better serve you;

  • To enable better service when fulfilling customer orders;

  • Manage a sweepstakes, promotions or surveys;

  • Tracking your orders (email or telephone)

  1. How we protect your information
    Our website is regularly checked for security holes and known vulnerabilities to make our site as secure as possible. Your information is contained behind secure networks and can only be accessed by a limited number of people who have special access to the system and are required to keep this information confidential.

  2. Sending of newsletters 
    All personal information that we obtain through your consent will be recorded, used and protected in accordance with current community legislation on data protection, the GDPR and this Unifardas- Confecção, SA Privacy Policy

The information collected is for the purpose of sending information/disclosure by electronic mail of newsletters and other information relating to our products and services, as long as requested by the party involved.

The fact is reinforced that, if you no longer wish to receive e-mail messages, simply contact us via e-mail or letter to our address requesting cancellation of the consent given afterwards. 

It is also possible to remove your email address from the database by following the information contained at the end of each newsletter.

Use of cookies

According to the GDPR, cookies are small text files with relevant information that your access device loads through your browser when you visit our Website. 

Therefore, we use cookies solely to collect information about your visits to our Website and to improve your experience. 

If you wish, you can disable all cookies by simply adjusting your browser settings when you previously activate them.

Right of the data subject

All natural persons enjoy the following rights in accordance with the GDPR:

Right of access 
The data subject has the right to know whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed. He may receive a copy of your personal information held by us. 
Although access is generally free, the entity may set a fee for allowing access to the data subject, when verifying excessive or unfounded requests.

Right to rectification
The holder has the right to obtain, from the Controller, the rectification of personal data that is outdated, incorrect or incomplete.

Right to erasure  
The data subject requests the right to be “forgotten” and to request the data controller to erase their data as long as:

  • The data proves to be unnecessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed; 

  • The holder withdraws consent, when the processing is necessarily based on this and there is no other legal basis for the processing of the data;

  • The holder opposes the processing of personal data used for automated purposes and/or profiling; 

  • When personal data has been processed unlawfully. 

Right to limit processing 
The legislator provides that, in addition to the right to erasure, the data subject has the right to limit processing in certain situations:

  • Challenge the accuracy of personal data;

  • The processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of personal data and limits its use;

  • The controller no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes, but they are required for declaration, exercise or defense purposes;

  • If you have objected to processing until verification, the legitimate reasons of the controller prevail over those of the data subject.

Right to data portability The 
data subject is given the right to request the Controller to provide their personal data in a commonly used format and even to transfer it to another Controller. However, you can only wish for delivery if it is possible.

Right to object  
The data subject has the right to object at any time, for particular reasons, to the processing of data concerning him or her. 

To exercise these rights, they must present, in writing, the request to the person responsible for their processing at the company Unifardas- Confecção, SA.

Final provisions – Obligations regarding the protection of personal data

The company Unifardas – Confecção, SA, which individually or together with another (Subcontractor) determines the purposes and means of data processing, is the “Responsible for Processing” and must, to that extent, among other aspects, ensure that:

  • The data personal data are collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and are not subsequently processed in a way that is incompatible with the purposes of collection;

  • Only personal data that is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes of collection are collected;

  • The personal data collected is accurate and updated; 

  • Personal data is kept only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of collection/processing; 

  • All information related to the processing carried out is made available to the data subject, granting them the right to access, rectify and delete their data, as well as object to their processing, in accordance with the law; 

  • The holder’s consent is obtained for the processing of data, in cases where this is required; 

  • Data processing complies with all legal requirements;

  • Employees authorized to access personal data are bound by the duty of confidentiality;

  • Contracts signed with subcontracting entities regarding the processing of personal data of our data subjects, the respective written contracts to safeguard confidentiality and privacy;

  • Appropriate technical and organizational measures have been implemented to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, unauthorized access and disclosure and against any form of unlawful processing;

  • The registration of personal data processing activities is carried out in accordance with legal terms.

Review of the Privacy Policy
The privacy policy may be changed at any time, with changes being effective from the last date of the change indicated.  

If you have any questions or comments regarding our Website and/or our Privacy Policy and others, you can contact us using the information below: 

Unifardas – Confecção SA
Tel.: +351 229 442 280/1| Rua Joaquim António Moreira, 292 Armaz. 19 | Maia Industrial Zone 1 – 4470 – 078 Maia